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Muscle Testing: Functional or Fake

about us faith Mar 31, 2022

Muscle testing (applied kinesiology) is based on the theory that any major muscle will respond to electrical/energetic shifts that go off in the body. Since everything has a frequency, it is theorized that the body naturally reacts in congruence or incongruence (match or mismatch) to anything it’s exposed to.

The most common use of this tool is for supplement testing. A practitioner will have a client hold a supplement and test the muscle strength in reaction to that substance. The client will hold an arm out straight and the practitioner will apply pressure to the arm. The muscle (deltoid in this case) supposedly reacts in strength or weakness to the frequency of that substance, indicating whether it is a “match” (i.e. useful) or a “mismatch” (i.e. not useful or even harmful) to the body.

So is this kind of procedure functional or fake? Well, it can be both depending on a few important variables. People who misuse muscle testing assume that they are tapping into some hidden “all-knowing” place in the body or soul. This is not accurate. The body is not sentient (not conscious on its own) and the soul is unavoidably biased. Neither the soul nor the body knows “truth.” A muscle test is simply the body/soul reacting to something. We know intuitively that our reactions are not facts. When muscle testing is used as a crystal ball for finding truth, it is fake. A dramatic example of this kind of abuse of muscle testing is the claims of David Hawkins in his book, Power Vs. Force. He claims that not only is a muscle test a source of absolute truth, but it will also reveal the spiritual value of anything or anyone throughout history. That is absurd.

So, when is it functional?

Muscle testing is functional when all parties understand that while it isn’t a source of truth, the reactions it produces are still useful pointers, like clues in a larger story. There are many variables that influence whether a muscle stays strong or goes weak. For instance, a person’s level of dehydration can affect a muscle test. So can the state of their atlas, their emotional resistance, and the expectations of the practitioner. So a muscle test should always be “taken with a grain of salt.”

Splankna Therapy uses muscle testing as a way for the body/soul of a client to react to emotions and memories. For instance, as a client is processing a traumatic memory, muscle testing is a way for the body/soul to respond with a “match or mismatch” to different emotions and whether or not they were felt/stored during that trauma. The muscle response is not considered to be “truth” about the trauma, only the client’s reactions to it. Whether testing emotions or supplements, it is important to be clear about “who” you’re asking. The body and soul (or subconscious) is responding, both imperfect aspects of a person.

Prayer over the process is essential. If the body and soul are dedicated to the Lord beforehand, the will submitted to Him, giving Him control and invitation to work through the process, then muscle reactions can be useful indicators. Imperfect, held lightly, but useful.


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